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Coping with Quarantine

I'm coping with the quarantine in a few different ways. One of the things I am doing is building a play house for my yard. It has an obstacle course, a tire swing, a swing set, and a rock wall. It is almost done and it was fun to build. I’ve also been planting a garden with my mom. It has asparagus, hot peppers, squash, beans, and tomatoes. I’ve also been taking my dog Pinhead on lots of walks. He likes them but he is also really lazy and is happy to stay in and sleep. I love that about him. I have also built a fairy house in the garden. It is made out of wood and moss, it’s a couple feet tall, and has little glass fairies on it.

Not being in school is it's difficult and different. My parents are trying to be teachers even though they never went to school for teaching. They are trying their best to help, but they don’t always know what they are doing and I don’t always know what I am doing either.

The quarantine has been rough for me at times. I have to think happy thoughts sometimes—I think about the garden, my dog, and seeing my brother soon. Thinking happy thoughts helps chill me out. Another way I am coping is by trying to keep myself busy with small projects.

By Mia Dowdy

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