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Meet Our Team

Our Stories Are Here to Be Told

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Latrieva Boston
Executive Director

I am honored to be able to lead this agency and work along side people who want to make the world a better place for everyone. My youngest child is diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome and there are many challenges but are so many more joys in being her mom. It is because of her I found this career path. I love being able to help families and youth and connect with them so that they know they are not alone.  


"See the good in people and help them"  - Ghandi

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Robin Hicks
Family Support Partner

I am a mother of a son with attention deficit disorder and Anxiety diagnosis. 

I have experience in navigating through the school system, knowledge in special education rules and guidelines, and I can provide suggestions and tools for parents with “Strong Willed” teens.


Mackenzie Hatfield
Youth Services Manager

Being the parent or caregiver of a kiddo who is neurodivergent or has disabilities presents many unique challenges that no parenting book can prepare us for. That feeling of being overwhelmed can become especially intimidating while navigating unfamiliar systems that provide the supports necessary for them to thrive. With the unique perspective of having "been there" I empathize with families going through similar situations I faced with my three children. As the parent of kiddos who have a variety of diagnoses ranging from ASD to PTSD and Developmental Trauma, I have felt the sting of isolation, wondering if anyone else out there “gets it”. By educating people about the services ASK provides, connecting with other community  organizations and partnering with families who need extra support, I am hopefully having a positive impact on youth and families in our community.  


In my spare time, I play roller derby, make more artwork than I know what to do with, am the mom to three inspiring teenagers, and try to pet all the kitties I come in contact with.

“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”
― Desmond Tutu 


Derek Bradley
Youth Peer Support Specialist

My name is Derek Bradley and I was born and raised here in Kalamazoo. I have always struggled with depression and anxiety and have more recently been challenged with a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. I truly believe each individual’s story is unique and resilience is possible for anyone through self-care, healthy support systems and acknowledgement of similar experiences. As a Youth Peer Support Specialist, I will share my own experiences to empower youth and encourage self-advocacy. In my free time I love spending time with family, taking road trips and playing disc golf at many of our state’s beautiful courses.

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Kim Beachy
Office Coordinator

My name is Kim, and I have been working in human resources since 2001, doing payroll since 1991, and working with human service organizations since 1991. I like working at an organization that is serving the community. I was born and raised in Michigan's upper peninsula, and love traveling there when I get a chance. In my free time, I enjoy dog sitting, carpentry, and spending time with my family. Most of all, I love supporting my grandchildren at their plays and sporting events. 


Cheye Weston
Youth Involvement Coordinator & Peer Support Specialist

Hey, my name is Cheye (Shy) Weston, I am currently 25 years old. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at a young age and more recently have concerns with PTSD. I have been through an emotional roller-coaster I would say my whole life but through it all I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I also have a broader outlook on the mental health prospective as I was also a guardian to my eldest niece who has Cluster B disorder, depression and anxiety as well. Having guardianship of her has opened my eyes to a whole new perspective, which brought me to this role I’m currently in! I absolutely love youth and helping others! I am currently looking into options for going back to school. I also have a bonus daughter that I absolutely adore, and I love spending time with my little family that I’ve created! I am super grateful to be a part of ASK and super excited to see where this will bring me in the future!


“Ahh the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.” ~Rafiki  

My name is Erin Richardson and I have been parenting full-time for the last ten years. I stayed home with my daughter and decided to have her evaluated at 18 months of age because I had a “gut-feeling” that something wasn’t right. She was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. That challenge was co-existing with physical delays and anxiety symptoms. Our families’ path went directly into utilizing services of all kinds for several years. Over the years she has gained social and coping skills that help get her through her days successfully. Throughout our journey we became very aware of what mental health looked like for ourselves and in our home. I recently had my middle child evaluated and he has started for ADHD and Generalized Anxiety. As a family we are able to approach these challenges without stigma or shame, being open in our family and having hope for tomorrow. I want families to feel hopeful, supported and build resiliency for their challenging days.

My name is Michelle Matheney.  I am a mother of 4 and grandmother of 1.  The last of my 4 children was born with some physical and some mental challenges.  Through her 16 years, I have become an advocate for her in every aspect of her life.  I have gained a lot of experience in being a caregiver, but I also have faced some challenges as well.  I had to figure a lot of things out on my own, so I know how important it is to have a person to talk to and help you gain confidence in oneself when advocating for your child.   With that being said, me joining this wonderful, gracious and supportive staff, here at ASK Family Services, they have been a saving grace for me, and I want to be that to our families.  I am glad to be a part of the hidden gem I call them.   



I am a mother of two teenage sons. My eldest has level 2 autism, anxiety, SPD, and epilepsy. My youngest has been diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. Through my lived experience, I have found this road can be very isolating. When you find another parent who has gone through or is going through similar tough times, it's a golden understanding of “Wow, I'm not alone in this,”.  I wish I had had such a person when my oldest was younger to help support our journey.  I have a background in education and have many years of experience with IEPs and navigating the special education system, both as a parent and a teacher.  My hope is to connect with families through ASK Family Services and help support, educate, and empower families in a sensitive and respectful way.   


“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”  ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg 


Helena Cole
Youth Peer Support Specialist

My name is Helena Cole, I am currently 18 years old and a recent high school graduate. I have struggled with depression and anxiety from a very young age, and later developed problems with addiction and behavior that overtook my life. I went through a variety of treatment methods, including residential rehab, which has given me the empathy and understanding that I can use to relate to and support others who are in similar situations. I know how difficult it is to feel defined by your struggles, and it is my goal to help others see that they are more than what they’ve been through and help them become the version of themselves that they want to be.


Ava Sauer
Youth Peer Support Specialist

I’m a recent graduate from Western Michigan University with a degree
in Gender Women’s Studies. In middle school, I started feeling very depressed for numerous reasons and was later diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder in high school. Throughout the years, I have learned a variety of skills to use to combat my depression, such as practicing
mindfulness and self-care. My hope is to support struggling youth through their mental health journey by sharing my experiences & knowledge so they can become their best selves.  As a queer woman, I also have a big passion for helping LGBTQ+
youth and being a supportive ally. I’m an extremely empathetic, caring individual who loves to make others laugh and feel validated about their unique lived experiences. Outside of ASK, I love all music, spending time outdoors, baking, and coloring!

"Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you doesn't mean you can, should,
or need to do it alone" 
~Lisa Olivera


Erin Richardson
Child Welfare Family Support Partner


Michelle Matheney
Family Support Partner



Kelly Monahan

Family Support Partner



Contact Us

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 Address. 445 W. Michigan Ave Suite 102, Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Tel. 269-343-5896

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